A symbol, a lifestyle, a culture
Story of Stiggins Apparel
I've been working in the hospitality industry for 15 years and I realized quite early on that there was a subculture in this environment, with references, icons, insides, shared sufferings. For a few years now, I've had the idea of creating a brand under the symbol of hospitality, with designs that we can relate to, laugh to and recognize ourself and each other in.

By industry people, for industry people
Our future and vision
This year 2025 is the year i decided to make it happen. I would like this brand to be by and for hospitality industry people, for it to be more than a brand, a community. This is where you come in, if you are from this industry and you share Stiggins Apparel's vision you can be a part of this community and help it grow.
Her is what you can do:
- Follow our social media pages and share it
- Give us feedback
- Submit your design ideas
It's only the beginning